How to Write Your First Email
Your e-mailing is almost ready to be sent. Your strategy is set, the contact database is growing and recipients can look forward to the first emails. So it is time to write. What should you know before you get started?
Prepare sender address and subject
Always send emails from your own domain and customize the address to a preset tone. You only have a first name or a surname? Send a message on behalf of the entire business or name it as "sender" to help you look more formal.
If you are not yet a very popular brand with prominent emailing, people will not have a need to open your messages unless they are catched by the subject of the email. This should be short and clearly describe the following content. But you can try to induce a little mystery and arouse the reader's curiosity. Conversely, too many exclamation marks, question marks or emoticons are not recommended.
Type your first message
The body of the email itself should be written in an attractive, distinctive style. Follow up on the subject and present in a readable way all the benefits you offer. The proven way of not wasting words is one sentence - one thought.
Nice, sparse graphics will also help to appeal your message. Especially be careful not to overdo it with images - such emails are more likely to end up in spam.
Call to action
Each e-mail should preferably have only one clear message, which will be summarized in the call to action (CTA) just before the end. The best prepared call-to-action is the purpose of the entire report. This is where the recipient clicks through to the link you need - the conversion you expect from the email.
The call to action can again have a stronger graphic form (a large colored button), but the text strike is especially important. Two or three words are enough to keep the reader from clicking. Then you accomplished your task!
How to properly finish e-mail
Decency is not only to greet at the beginning, but also to sign at the end. Again, adjust your signature to the tone of the entire communication - someone signs only by first name, at other times it is more convenient to add your name to the full name or give the message seriousness by stating your title.
The necessary legal requirements are usually placed at the very bottom - a link through which the recipient can unsubscribe at any time, information that the e-mail is a business communication, as well as the sender's contact and address.
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