Mentoring: A Crucial Element of Your Success
charlie pramana from Mentorin
Changing the past is impossible. But Charlie P., who is a Regional IT & Digital Manager (SEA, JP & KR) at Reckitt, cannot help but wonder what would be different if he had a mentor who could teach him to do things at the beginning of his career. That’s why he built his Mentorin, a platform for those who want to find the right mentor.

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Passionate, resourceful, and family first are the three main values that Charlie Pramana holds as the founder of Mentorin, a mentoring community he founded in July 2021 to help people gain access to a mentor.
The desire to help and provide opportunities for those in need of mentors now are two big reasons why Charlie built his business. “Although our contribution may be only a few percent, we are happy to see mentees achieve something new.” Because, 'It takes time and effort to groom someone,' he added.
Charlie, who is also a Regional IT & Digital Manager (SEA, JP & KR) at Reckitt, explains that there are different ways to mentor someone. 'We can't replicate the method because everyone has different abilities and backgrounds.' He added that if someone was given a short lesson, they understood it and could apply it quickly, and some needed a longer time.
For Charlie, a person's major is also not important in doing a job. 'The most important thing is the potential,' he said. Whether he wants to learn and whether he communicates appropriately are two things Charlie emphasizes in guiding people.
Charlie also gives an abridged version of being a good leader. First, you have to keep learning. Because the name of knowledge will never run out.
Second, you must understand the values held by the team members. Because not everyone is focused on getting appreciation. And the third is not bossy. Because the boss and leader are two different people.
And the last is to always ask someone more senior to find your blind spot. Because this is an invisible thing and should be told by others. He closed with, “Try to improve, not to prove.”
Watch the full video of our conversation with Charlie Pramana here.
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