


Episode 14 - 21 Oct 2022

Smart Is NOT Enough

norman sasono from Dana Indonesia

“Smart is a commodity,” says Norman Sasono, CTO of Dana Indonesia. How being different from the crowd is the only way how you can win the competition. And to do that, being smart alone is NOT enough. Watch the full story in this episode of #StoriesWorthTelling - Bulls Eyes.

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Everyone is now smart, everyone has graduated from good universities, everyone can access the internet, and smart has become a level of playing field. Being smart is a commodity. We need other than that to succeed.

The first thing is to work hard. It may sound boring. You may find this intimidating; some may hate it. But it is true. The only way to be different is when those who are willing to put in the work. Who will work more, who will work harder, they will win.

The second one is discipline. Somedays you're motivated, somedays you're not. To rely on motivation is not a good strategy. Motivation is good to get us to start, however, to keep us going motivation is not enough. It's the discipline that will keep us going.

The last part is resilience. We will be down and we will be knocked out, but how we can get back up again, and go back, that is being resilient. Resilience is not we never go down, but how to get back up again in the face of a challenge.

So, how to further maximize our potential and be the winner? Watch this episode of #StoriesWorthTelling - Bulls Eyes.



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